Halloween Candy: The Good, The Bad, The Rotten

“Eating candy will rot your teeth!” How many times have you heard that as a kid? Well, if parents, dentists, hygienists, and doctors are all on the same page about candy, maybe it’s time for you to establish some good habits with your children. The truth behind candy rotting teeth is actually quite simple to...
Find Out if you Have Bad Breath | Livermore Dentists

Find Out if you Have Bad Breath

Once in a while, it is understandable to suffer from the occasional bad breath due to a super onion-y or garlic filled meal. However, when one or two instances turns into a daily thing, you may be suffering from halitosis- a chronic bad breath problem. Do you notice people turning away from you when you...

The Pros and Cons of Pacifiers

Many parents have heard all opinions about putting baby to bed with a pacifier. Some believe that putting their baby to bed with a pacifier is the best and most efficient way to get their child to sleep. However, other people believe that providing their little one with a pacifier can be the start of...

The 101 on Brushing Baby Teeth

According to the Office of the Surgeon General, in the U.S., “tooth decay is the single most common chronic childhood disease”. They also go on to state that “millions of school hours are lost each year to dental related issues” and the “poor suffer twice as many dental problems than their peers”. With this information...
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